Maintain good hygiene to keep your skin clean. Bathe daily with soap and warm water to remove bacteria and fungi from your skin before they can cause folliculitis. Additionally, bathe after you get really sweaty or dirty. To protect your skin, apply a thin layer of moisturizer after you bathe.

Use a mild soap to remove dirt, oils, bacteria, and fungi.

Boost your immune system. Since bacterial or fungal infections usually cause folliculitis, boosting your immune system can help prevent the problem. This ensures your body can fight off potential infections before they happen.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Fatigue can suppress your immunity.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Avoid processed and sugary foods.

Use only well-maintained pools or hot tubs. People often pick up the bacteria causing hair follicle infections from unsanitary pools or hot tubs. If you suspect a pool or hot tub isn’t clean, play it safe and avoid bathing.

If you own a pool or hot tub, keep it chlorinated to prevent bacterial growth.
The water should not be cloudy. Make sure you can see clearly to the bottom of the pool before bathing.

If hot tub foam is still floating on the water’s surface after the jets are turned off, it’s an indication that the water is not well-filtrated.

Take a shower right after swimming if you suspect the water was unsanitary.

Wash your bathing suit after every use. The bacteria that causes hair follicle inflammation can live on your swimsuit after you get out of the water. This means you can re-infect yourself if you don’t wash it. Wash your swimsuit after every use to prevent infections.

Shave properly. Improper shaving practices can cause ingrown hairs and infections. If you’re prone to hair follicle inflammation, follow a few steps while shaving.

Wet your skin with warm water before shaving to soften the hair.
Shave in the direction that hair grows.
Store your razor in a dry area to prevent bacteria from growing on it.
Use only a sharp razor to prevent cuts and tearing.

Wear loose-fitting clothing when it’s hot and humid. Sweat and friction from clothes rubbing on your skin can cause a flare-up of folliculitis. Prevent this problem by avoiding tight clothing in hot, humid weather.
Try applying some baby powder to your skin to prevent friction from causing a flare-up.
Avoid tight clothes while exercising too. If you do wear tight exercise clothes, remove the clothes immediately after working out and take a shower.

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