Do not smoke. Smoking is associated with higher myostatin levels. To lower your myostatin levels, do not start smoking. If you are already addicted to nicotine, adopt a plan to quit smoking.
The best way to quit smoking is to gradually phase out the behavior. For instance, if you decide that in two weeks’ time, you want to stop smoking completely, cut your cigarette intake by 25% today. Cut it by another 25% about five days later. After about 10 days, cut your cigarette consumption by 25% again. Finally, when two weeks have elapsed, smoke your final cigarette.
Nicotine gum and patches can also help you combat your addiction.
Use a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin inhibitors are experimental and are for people with medical conditions that affect muscle development. You might qualify for treatment using one, though, if your goal is to treat such a disorder. You’ll need a prescription since they are not available over the counter. Talk to your doctor about your options for lowering your myostatin levels using an inhibitor.
Another experimental procedure, myostatin-inhibiting gene therapy, is in the early stages of development. This may someday be available for patients with degenerative muscle disorders.
Ask about follistatin supplement. Follistatin inhibits the production of myostatin. Follistatin-based supplements may be available that can lower your levels of myostatin. Most of these supplements use fertile chicken egg yolk isolate, so if you have an egg allergy, you might not be able to use them.
Generally, follistatin supplements come in powdered form. They are blended with water or milk, then consumed.
Follistatin is expensive, not widely available, and may pose risks to the liver. Still, talk to your doctor about whether it might be an option for you.