Pessaries are medical devices inserted and worn in the vagina. They support the vaginal wall and help correct the position of displaced pelvic organs. You can usually insert and remove a pessary on your own, but you will still need to see your doctor for regular examination and maintenance of the device.
Wash your hands. Wash your hands with warm water and soap. Dry them with clean paper towels once clean.
Remove any wrappings. Remove the pessary from any foil or plastic wrappings. If the pessary does not come in sterile packaging, you should wash it with soap and water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Note that pessaries come in different sizes.[2] Your doctor should supply you with a pessary based on the size he or she determines you’ll need.
Fold the pessary in half. Grab the pessary on either side of the knob and use your fingers to fold the ring in half.
Examine the pessary closely. If you’re using an open ring pessary, you should see notches along the inside. If you’re using a ring-with-support pessary, you should see openings along the center support structure. Both of these areas are the flexible points you will need to fold, and you should grab the ring in between these points. The pessary should only be able to fold in these areas.
Apply water-based lubricant to the pessary. Use your fingers to apply a small dab of lubricant to the end of the ring without the knob.
Note that the curved portion should face upward, toward the ceiling, as you hold the pessary.
The lubricant should be applied over the entire folded end of the pessary on the opposite side of the knob. This edge is the edge you’ll be inserting first.
Keep your legs apart. Stand, sit, or lie down with your legs apart. The pessary can be inserted from any of these positions, so use whichever feels most comfortable to you.
If you choose to sit or lie down, your knees must be bent and your legs should be spread apart as far as possible without causing discomfort.
If you choose to stand and are right-handed, place your left foot on a chair, stool, or toilet with your right foot on the ground. Lean over your left leg while inserting the pessary.
If you choose to stand and are left-handed, place your right foot on a chair, stool, or toilet with your left foot on the ground. Lean over your right leg while inserting the pessary.
Spread the labia. Use the fingers of your non-dominant hand to spread apart the lips of the vagina.
You should still have the folded pessary in your dominant hand. Use your dominant hand to insert the pessary.
Gently insert the pessary. Carefully push the folded, lubricated end of the pessary into the vagina. Push it back as far as possible without causing discomfort.
Note that the pessary should be inserted lengthwise into the vagina.
Release the pessary. Let go of the pessary. As you do, it should unfold and return to its normal shape.
If the pessary does not feel comfortable, use your index finger to rotate it. The knobbed end should face upward, and you should not be able to feel a pessary once it has been properly positioned.
Wash your hands again. Remove your hands from your vagina and wash them again with soap and warm water. Dry well with clean paper towels.
This completes the insertion process.