Clogged hair follicles, a condition often called folliculitis, can be unsightly, itchy, and painful. It usually occurs after hair removal on your face, groin, legs, and armpits, often because a bacterial or fungal infection, chemical irritation, or mechanical injury inflames the hair follicles. If you’re experiencing this condition, allow your skin ample time to heal. Use warm compresses and washes to help the condition clear up. Then take steps to prevent the problem from coming back.
Soak a washcloth in warm water and apply the compress to the affected area for 15 minutes, 3-4 times a day to open up your pores.
Stop your hair removal regime for 30 days and wear loose clothing to avoid aggravating the area. Then, apply a topical antibiotic 3 times each day for 1 week.
Prevent clogged pores by bathing every day, especially after you sweat. Shave when your skin is wet and move in the direction your hair grows.
Stop your hair removal regimen for 30 days. Blocked or inflamed hair follicles usually result from hair removal, and can affect all areas that you shave, wax, or trim. If you continue your hair removal regimen while the follicles are inflamed, your skin will take much longer to heal. Allow 30 days before restarting your regimen to give your skin enough healing time.
If your work requires you to be clean-shaven, consult your dermatologist right away for suggestions on removing hair without aggravating your condition.
Apply a warm compress to the affected area 3 to 4 times a day. A warm compress opens up your pores and helps free hair follicles of blockages. Apply one for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Repeat this treatment 3 or 4 times every day to keep your pores open and allow blockages to work themselves out.
There are many store-bought options for a warm compress, or you can make your own at home.
A washcloth soaked in warm water will also work, although it may not stay warm for very long.
Do not keep a warm compress applied for more than 20 minutes to prevent burning your skin.
Wash your hair with an apple cider vinegar mixture. Folliculitis can also affect your scalp. If the blocked hair follicles are on your scalp, several washing procedures can help clear the blockages. Apple cider vinegar can naturally remove clumps and residue of dead skin or oil, which helps unclog follicles.
Mix 1 part water with 1 part apple cider vinegar. For example, if you use 1 cup (.24 l) of water, use the same amount of apple cider vinegar.
Pour the mixture onto your hair after shampooing. Rinse out all the shampoo before applying the vinegar.
Massage the mixture into your scalp and let it sit for a few minutes. Then rinse it fully with water.
Don’t apply conditioner.
Wear loose-fitting clothing until the inflammation clears. Folliculitis is often caused by tight, heavy clothes or skin rubbing together, especially if you have excess body weight. This is common in your armpits, groin, and upper thigh areas, and it occurs most often in hot, humid weather. If you’re experiencing inflammation, avoid tight clothing while your skin heals. Otherwise, the friction from clothing will continue inflaming your skin and it will take longer to heal.
Apply a topical antibiotic to the area 3 times a day for 7-10 days. Dab a topical antibiotic onto the area affected by folliculitis 3 times daily to help treat the infection. Continue to apply the antibiotic for 7-10 days to help your skin heal.
For instance, use Mupirocin (Bactroban) topical cream to treat your folliculitis. You can find over-the-counter antibiotic creams at your local drug store or online.
If you don’t see improvement after a few days of treatment, visit your doctor to find out if you need additional treatment.
Consult a dermatologist if the problem doesn’t clear up in a few days. Home remedies don’t always work for inflamed hair follicles. If you’ve been treating the condition on your own for a few days and see no improvement, make an appointment with your dermatologist for professional advice.
The dermatologist may try a variety of treatments for you, depending on what is causing your inflamed hair follicles. If it is a bacterial infection, for example, they may prescribe an oral antibiotic or antibiotic cream.
If you’ve developed any cysts or abscesses from the infection, the dermatologist will probably drain them for you.
Also ask your dermatologist what steps you can take to prevent the problem from coming back.